Tennessee 14 Car Pile Up Kills One and Blocks Roadways for Hours

A recent multi-vehicle accident on Stateline Road and Germantown Road caused major delays in traffic and killed one person. At least 14 vehicles were said to be involved in the crash according to a tweet from the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office. The crash is still under investigation.
Multi-Car Accidents Exceptionally Dangerous
Accidents involving multiple vehicles are exceptionally dangerous because thousands of pounds of glass and metal can end up flying all over the place. This makes the situation perfect for passengers and drivers to suffer severe injuries or even death. These accidents are proven to be much more severe than accidents involving one or two vehicles.
Vehicles can get struck from many different angles, and if a fire starts due to gasoline leaking out, the situation becomes that much more perilous. These accidents often cause roadway blockages making it difficult for fire and rescue vehicles to reach the site of the accident.
Determining Fault
When multiple vehicles are involved in a crash, it can be challenging to determine exactly who is at fault. All drivers are required to act carefully and reasonably safe on the road to protect themselves and those around them. Failure to provide this due care is called negligence. Any driver who causes property damage and injury to another person due to their negligence is the at fault party. The victim of the injury and property damage can legally pursue damages and compensation from that at fault party.
When the dust finally settles after an accident, that’s when insurance companies and attorneys start trying to determine who was at fault. They often hire accident reconstructionists to piece together the evidence and determine who or what caused the accident to happen, and thus, who was at fault. When several vehicles are involved, it can be extremely difficult to identify which party’s negligence started it all.
Further Complications
To make matters even more complex, the state of Tennessee uses a modified form of what is called comparative negligence. This means that even if you think you’re not at fault, you could still be found partially at fault and not be able to collect all of the compensation that you are entitled to.
For example, if the car in front of you wasn’t paying attention and crashed into the car in front of them, but the driver in the front was texting, then both of them were struck by oncoming traffic; that’s where comparative negligence comes into play. Every accident is different and can be complicated by a variety of factors. That’s why you need a skilled car accident attorney on your side.
The Legal Fight
It’s easy to see why you would need an attorney on your side to prove that the other driver is responsible for your injuries. Proving negligence isn’t an easy task and requires the assistance of someone with years of experience. That’s where the Nashville attorneys at Calhoun Law, PLC come in. We can review your case and ensure that your rights are fully protected to help you receive as much compensation as possible for your claim. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.