SUV Collides with School Bus

Wintry weather, in the form of a frost-covered windshield, may have contributed to a startling wreck in Signal Mountain. A school bus was stopped when the driver of an SUV hit the bus head-on. Although the investigation is still underway, officers say it is likely that fault will be assigned to the driver of the SUV due to the fact that the bus was stationary, and the SUV driver was on the wrong side of the road.
Prevention Beats Protection
No matter how good your insurance coverage, preventing an accident is always better than relying on your protection in case of an accident. Thankfully, there are some simple steps to take to lower your risk of winter weather accidents.
- Stay home if at all possible
- Scrape and defrost all windows and mirrors
- Ensure that all tires are in good condition and properly inflated
- Remove gloves/mittens before driving
- Slow down
- Leave extra space between yourself and the car in front of you
- Turn headlights on during precipitation
- Do not use cruise control
- Signal early if turning
- Begin braking early for stops or turns
While these actions help to ensure that you are a safe driver, keep in mind that not everyone follows these simple steps. Stay alert to other drivers and, if you see someone begin to lose control, slow down and move to the right and out of the way if possible.
Accidents Happen
No matter how careful you are, accidents still happen, especially when snow and ice are involved. Unfortunately, we can’t hold Mother Nature liable for accidents caused by the winter weather. If you do get into an accident during winter weather, first make sure that all occupants of your vehicle are safe and call 911 if emergency services are required. Then, do the following:
- Turn on your hazard lights
- Remain inside the vehicle if safe to do so
- Call local police to report the accident
- Call your insurance company
- Do not admit fault, verbally or in writing
- Exchange insurance information with the other driver(s) once police arrive
A well-stocked winter weather kit in the car can make waiting for help safer and more comfortable. You can also make a call to an experienced personal injury attorney, who can guide you through issues of liability. Tennessee code requires that any personal injury lawsuits be filed within one year of the accident.
Winter Weather Liability
Who is at fault when accidents occur in winter weather? The answer is complicated and depends on each driver’s degree of negligence. Drivers cannot be held responsible for what snow or ice causes their vehicle to do if they were driving in a manner considered safe for the conditions. Driving too fast for road conditions, failing to use lights, or driving on unsafe tires are all examples of decisions that will increase fault in the case of a winter weather accident.
Personal Injury Attorneys Are Here to Help
If you, or someone you love, are involved in a winter weather accident, contact the Nashville attorneys at Calhoun Law PLC today. Don’t count on insurance to work things out or to cover all of your expenses. Let an attorney help you protect yourself and your family.