A Nashville Mall Or Store Injury And Premise Liability

Everyone slips and falls from time to time. In most instances, individuals are thankfully able to get up and walk away from the event without a major injury. That said, there are times when a person trips or falls in a Tennessee parking lot, shopping mall, or supermarket due to another’s negligence.
Commercial property owners have a responsibility to repair any dangers. Or if a repair can’t be made immediately, to make the public aware of the risk. If you believe your injury is directly related to a property owner not providing a safe environment, you may be able to secure financial compensation. Discuss the worth of your claim and what steps should be taken next with a Nashville personal injury lawyer.
Different Types of Dangers Can Lead to Injuries
Many dangers can lead to slip and fall accidents and accident injuries. If the individual or party in charge of the property provided an environment that was reasonably safe, they may not be held liable. But if they failed to fix any of the following risks or alert the public of the dangers, they may be negligent and damage recovery can be pursued.
- Ripped carpeting
- Clutter and debris on walkways
- Oil spills and pools
- Uneven stairs or walkways
- Floors wet from spills or mopping
- Obstructed views or insufficient lighting
- Broken pavement
- Unspooled cables and cords
Of course, spills, tears, and clutter can happen in commercial spaces. But when they do, they need to be cleaned up and fixed without delay. If there is a danger present and it can be proven an owner or manager didn’t address the issue, they could be held accountable for accident injuries. Slip and fall accidents have resulted in fractures, concussions, and sprains. Medical expenses can be high.
Talk to a Lawyer as Soon as Possible
Have your injuries addressed right away if you were hurt in a slip and fall accident. Following a doctor’s treatment plan is an important step to fully recovering physically and strengthening your claim if you take legal action in the future.
It is also in your best interests to contact a legal professional without delay. Each U.S. state has its own statute of limitations in place. In the state of Tennessee the statute of limitations is one year from the date of the injurious event. That said, there are exceptions. When you connect with a Nashville personal injury lawyer, they can inform you of the worth of your claim and what options are available given the details of your situation.
Did you trip or fall in a Nashville store because the property wasn’t maintained properly? If a property owner or manager was negligent, there is a path to damage recovery for medical care and lost wages. Discuss your case with the experienced Nashville personal injury lawyers at Calhoun Law, PLC. Our attorneys will fight for a full and fair amount so you can move forward with your life and put the accident in the past. Contact us today for a free and confidential consultation of your case, no fees are required upfront.